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Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre

 Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre   We are excited to announce that we will be hosting monthly Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre at our offices in West Regent Street, Glasgow city centre on conjunction with our other practices!! If you're interested in coming along to a Menopause Cafe, see information in the original post below. We have set up a new Facebook page for Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre too, so it would be great if you could like or follow that too. Feel free to get in touch via the details below if you would like more information about Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre or want to be added to our mailing list and we will get in touch with you once we have a date for our first group meeting. You can also follow/like us on our new Facebook page (X page currently being set up) here:
Recent posts
  Signs and Symptoms of Depression    Of course, everyone's experience of low mood and depression is different; owever, the poster below can help us to spot some of the signs and symptoms of depression in either ourselves or others.    Think about the changes you have noticed in yourself or in someone you know or care about who might be experiencing low mood or depression. How have you/they changed? What are you/they doing more/less of than before? Have you/they developed unhelpful ways of coping? What other things have you noticed in yourself/another? Might it be low mood or depression?    If you need some support or someone to talk to about feeling depressed, low, sad, angry, hurt, confused, anxious, bereaved, hurt, distressed or anything else that is causing you challenge or difficulty at the moment, please know our psychotherapists, counsellors and dietitians are here to support you in making changes and working towards improving life.    Appointments are available on a weekly

Physical Implications of Bulimia

BULIMIA NERVOSA   Eating disorders affect physical and psychological health, emotional wellbeing, social life, work, education, relationships and so much more.   While many of the clients we work with, and have worked with, express and talk about how, for example, Bulimia affects their mental health, emotional wellbeing and social life, they also often disregard or are unaware of the physical implications of Bulimia Nervosa.   Bulimia is a serious condition and it's really important to take note of the possible physical implications - both short-term and long-term - too.   The infographic below illustrates some of the potential physical risks associated with Bulimia.   If you need some support or someone to talk to about Bulimia or any other eating disorder/disordered eating, our psychotherapists, counsellors and dietitians are here to support you in making changes and working towards recovery. We can support you with any non-eating disorder problems and concerns too.   Appointment

Just sending you all a wee reminder today.....

  Just sending you all a wee reminder today.....       Get Support Here:  

Who Wants to be Stress-less?

Who Wants to be Stress-less? Let's be honest....who couldn't do with reducing their stress levels and improving anxiety? Life is so busy and stressful these days - too many demands and not enough time to meet those demands. And what about self-care and time for oneself? can forget that, can't you? Well, actually, you don't need to forget about that. IT IS POSSIBLE to manage stress more effectively, improve anxiety AND make time for yourself and the things that make you feel relaxed and healthier. AND... we can support you with this too! Bonus!! So, if you want to work towards being 'stress-less' then you've come to the right place. Start reducing stress and anxiety today and work towards making some time for you. All our therapists and dietitians are friendly. supportive, encouraging and highly qualified. What have you got to lose? Only your stress. Get in touch today. Our contact details are below.    CONTACT DETAILS W: www.glasgowanxietydepressi

Understanding Control

  Understanding Control    Understanding Control ... and some little activities you can try for yourself (you can email us for a free self-help worksheet) Control and the desire to be in control is often synonymous with eating disorders. Of course, that's not the case for everyone experiencing eating disorders/disordered eating. However, many find that having some control over something in their life - food and weight and body - helps them feel they have some more control over other things in their life that otherwise feel overwhelming, stressful, difficult to deal with or out-of-control. Control or non-control of eating and food can provids a way of also coping with often painful, difficult or distressful thoughts, emotions, experiences or memories: by blocking them out, denying them, or dealing with them via one’s relationship with food and eating.   For those with eating disorders, life seems easier to manage through the control or non-control of food. Eating disorders can often


  CALLING ALL ORGANISATIONS, COMPANIES AND BUSINESSES Did you know we also work with other organisations and companies providing psychotherapy, counselling, coaching and dietetic services for their own clients and customers as well as their own staff and employees?   If your organisation or company is looking for a staff counselling service or for a service to refer your own clients and customers (in-house, at our premises or online), get in touch and let's have a chat to find out what we can offer.   We can provide client/customer psychotherapy and counselling; staff and employee psychotherapy and counselling; clinical supervision; staff de-briefing (individual and groups; staff support groups; therapy groups; support drop-ins; consultancy, dietetic and nutrition services and more.   We are passionate about Making Mental Health Everyone's Business.   Get in touch to find our how we can support you, your staff and employees and your clients and customers.   Best wishes,   Glasg