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DO YOU KNOW WHAT GENERALISED ANXIETY IS?   What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder?   We all experience anxious periods now and again. Some anxiety, worry and/or nervousness is ‘normal’ and can even act as a motivator sometimes (e.g. deadlines at work). However, when we begin experiencing excessive, continuous and/or distressing levels of constant anxiety worry and/or nervousness, it is possible that we may be experiencing a condition called Generalised Anxiety Disorder or GAD.   What distinguishes GAD from ‘normal’ everyday levels of anxiety or worry?   Well, individual’s experiencing problematic, and often severe, anxiety can experience high levels of stress, nervousness and anxiety and worry about a wide range of things over a long period of time. Anxiety symptoms can be persistent, continuous, and pervasive and affect many areas of the individual’s life and wellbeing, often with serious health, psychological, emotional, social and even occupational consequences.   ** Signs and Symptom
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Ever wondered if you have a helpful or difficult relationship with food and eating?

  Ever wondered if you have a helpful or difficult relationship with food and eating? If you have, you're welcome to take our online eating test for FREE. It's ANONYMOUS. There is, however, the option to leave your email address at the end of the test if you want some support or more information about what support you can access with us. If you don't want extra info, leave it blank.   You can do the SELF-TEST here:   All the best,   The Team at Talking EDs: Eating Disorders Support Service Scotland    
THE NEXT MENOPAUSE CAFE GLASGOW CITY CENTRE IS COMING YOUR WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! Our next Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre will take place on Thursday 7th November, 5.30pm-7pm. Please book your space here: Spaces are limited so please only book if you can actually attend. If you do book and find you can't make it after all, please do email to cancel or cancel via Eventbrite so others can attend instead. Thanks for your co-operation. All the info is via the Eventbrite link including address, map, what Menopause Cafes are and lots of other useful info, but you are also free to email if you have any questions, need more information or want to join the Mailing List. We look forward to seeing some of you in a few weeks time. Take care speak soon! Best wishes, Alexandra and Sue Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre    

DID YOU KNOW? We also offer other services that can support you in your practice!

DID YOU KNOW?    In addition therapy and consulting room hire, we also offer a number of other services to room users (at discount) and non-room users? Other services include: clinical supervision; specialised supervision and consult groups (eating disorders); admin assistance; private practice coaching and mentoring and netorking groups?    Get in touch today to find out how we can support you in your practice.    Best wishes,    Glasgow Therapy Rooms   W: E:      

Hello! How are you?

  Hello! How are you? We're guessing that I might already know the answer to that though and you have found yourself here because, actually you’re not feeling all that good at the moment. Is that right? We all don’t feel so good sometimes and that's ok; however, sometimes, we can feel anxious, down, hurt, in pain, numb and a whole load of other things for quite a long time and that’s not ok. Why? Because the longer things go on, the worse we feel and it affects our behaviour, relationships, how we feel about ourselves, our views, work and lots of other things in life. We often see how things start out small: they bother us in a small way to start with, but the problem ends up snowballing, growing arms and legs everywhere and we end up feeling life is going around in circles, getting nowhere and not knowing how to change it. Many people we work with in therapy and counselling describe how this causes them to end up feeling stuck and unable to move: a bit like being trapped in a

It's as simple as eating 3 meals a day, isn't it?

It's as simple as eating 3 meals a day, isn't it?   Our relationship with food isn't always as simple as eating 3 times a day. Those of you experiencing eating disorders or a tricky relationship with food will know this. We can often have a love-hate relationship with food and over time, feel like we're in a trap, stuck in our relationship with food, but feeling we have nowhere to turn.   Well, you do have somewhere to turn.   You can turn to us. We are interested in YOU, yes, YOU - not your weight or whether you fit an eating disorder stereotype or not. We are interested in what's going on for, regardless of what you weigh, how you look, how often you eat/don't eat, how much you are sick, how often you exercise or what your age or shape is.   Therapists, counsellors, psychologists and dietitians often talk about how WE can help YOU.   Yes, we can help you..... in lots of ways. However, we can't help you, until YOU take the first step and decide to improve y

What Do You Want to Throw Away?

  What do you want to throw away? Some anxious feelings? Some unhelpful habits? Some low mood? Or perhaps some stress? Maybe it's a relationship, a job, some stress or painful memories.   Whatever you want to throw away, we can help. We work with you, on an individual basis, at your own pace and with your goals in mind. You, and your therapist work together, flexibly, collaboratively and in partnership, to improve your quality of life and throw away some of the things that hold you back or no longer work for you.   Our therapists and counsellors and experienced, friendly, supportive and encouraging and will tailor therapy and counselling to you.   We currently have online appointments available to anyone across the Uk and in-person appointments available at our offices in Glasgow city centre. We hope to introduce Outdoor therapy soon too. What do you want to throw away? Get in touch to find out about how we can help you throw away what isn't working for you anymore.    Best wis