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It's as simple as eating 3 meals a day, isn't it?

It's as simple as eating 3 meals a day, isn't it?

Our relationship with food isn't always as simple as eating 3 times a day. Those of you experiencing eating disorders or a tricky relationship with food will know this. We can often have a love-hate relationship with food and over time, feel like we're in a trap, stuck in our relationship with food, but feeling we have nowhere to turn.
Well, you do have somewhere to turn.
You can turn to us. We are interested in YOU, yes, YOU - not your weight or whether you fit an eating disorder stereotype or not. We are interested in what's going on for, regardless of what you weigh, how you look, how often you eat/don't eat, how much you are sick, how often you exercise or what your age or shape is.
Therapists, counsellors, psychologists and dietitians often talk about how WE can help YOU.
Yes, we can help you..... in lots of ways. However, we can't help you, until YOU take the first step and decide to improve your life and address the problem or concern that's making your life difficult. We can't reach out into the screen and drag you to therapy or counselling or bring all our support to you. You have to meet us in the middle somewhere, and that starts with you, getting in touch with us, to find out how we can help and support you.
Then, you can start working, in partnership with your therapist or dietitian to improve life and improve your relationship with food.
We can provide appointments in various forms including: in-person, online, telephone and outdoor therapy. 
If you take the first step, and get in touch, we will take a step towards you too and walk along side you on your path to change and progress.
We're waiting for you and ready to listen. Take that step...take it today!
All the best,
Talking EDs: Eating Disorders Support Service Scotland 



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