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Showing posts from March, 2022

About Grief and Bereavement

Did you know that we offer Grief and Beareavement Counselling too? Our experienced therapist, Michelle, offer grief and bereavement counselling at our offices in Glasgow city centre on Wednesdays. Grief and loss is complicated and messy. There's no simple way of putting it. That's how it is. In therapy and counselling, I often hear clients say that family and friends keep telling them that ' you should be over this by now'; 'how can you still feel sad about X' or even 'pull your socks up and get over it' (I have to admit, I shriek inside when I hear that, arghhh!). The thing is, hearing these things 1) isn't helpful or validating; and 2) misses the point when it comes to grief, loss and bereavement. We can also experience grief, loss and bereavement for lots of different things: it's not just in response to the loss of a loved one. We can experience this in relation to the loss of a beloved parent, friend, colleague or pet (I lost a b

Monday Motivation: You're Human

Monday Motivation This week's #MondayMotivation poster acts as a reminder that we are all human after all and self-care, rest, relaxation and stepping off the rollercoaster of life is really important, now and then.    If we don't build regular, consistent breaks, recovery periods, stability zones and time-out into our daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly schedules, we burn out and become more susceptible to anxiety, stress, depression, panic and more. It's as simple as that.   Your challenge for today is to think about how you can incorporate consisent and regular rest, relaxation and recovery periods into your life - no matter how small or big these may be.   If you need some support and assistance with this, feel free to get in touch about the therapy, counselling and coaching services we offer that can help you with these goals, and many others. Please see our contact details in below.   All the best,   Alexandra  Talking EDs: Eating Disorder Support Service Scotla

Job Vacancy: Psychotherapist/Counsellor: Adult Eating Disorders

Psychotherapist/Counsellor: Adult Eating Disorders You will see clients at our offices in Glasgow city centre. If you have you own office in another part of Scotland (not a home office - no seeing clients from home), then we will consider you seeing clients from your own office. Offices will be subject to inspection as we require certain standards. CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY 6TH APRIL 2022, 5PM Please contact us for a Role Description and Application Form. We do not accept CVs. Talking EDs: Eating Disorders Support Service Scotland seek to recruit a suitable CBT Therapist to join our friendly, supportive team of psychotherapists, counsellors, mental health practitioners and dieticians. We are currently a team of 14. We are looking for an affiliate Psychoherapist or Counsellor: Adult Eating Disorders to provide in-person therapy and counselling appointments at our offices in Glasgow city centre. If you have your own office in another location (see * above), we will cons

Looking forward to our next event on eating disorders: 'Using the Artistic Voice to Inspire and Aid Eating Disorder Treatment and Therapy for More Impactful Recovery'

We are looking forward to our next event in conjunction with EDTNG (Eating Disorder Therapist Networking Group) on 'Using the Artistic Voice to Inspire and Aid Eating Disorder Treatment and Therapy for More Impactful Recovery'. There's still some spaces left. The event is free (except a small donation of to the guest speaker's charity), so if you are a Registered Member of EDTNG, get in touch to book your space at the event on Friday 18th March 2022, 4-5pm (online ).   Our contact details are in the comments below.   Thanks,   Eating Disorder Therapist Networking Group (EDTNG) and Talking EDs: Eating Disorder Support Service Scotland          

EDAW22: Not Everyone Who Experiences an Eating Disorder or Disordered Eating Identifies as Female

This Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022 #EDAW22 we must remember that those identifying with male and with non-female genders also experience eating disorders and disordered eating. MALE EATING DISORDERS Men and boys and anyone identifying with other genders experience eating disorders and disordered eating too. We really need to stop leaving out non-females and other genders from the conversation. Why? Because to do so means we are discriminating against others, developing 'female-friendly' services only and perpetuating a very biased and unrepresentative picture of eating disorders. This means lots of people don't have their voice heard and don't receive support and understanding. Our motto, since we started in 2009, has always been, 'your voice counts', and it truly does, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, culture, background etc. Here at Talking EDs, we see males and those identifying with other genders, of all ages and backgrounds who experienc

EDAW22 and the Eating Disorder Therapist Networking Group

EDAW22 and the Eating Disorder Therapist Networking Group   This Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022 #EDAW22 , why not join the Eating Disorder Therapist Networking Group and connect with other psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, clinicians and other practitioners who are working or volunteering with eating disorders/disordered eating (or would like to work in the area). Connect with others; get involved in discussions and debates; share and gain knowledge and experience; learn new things; practice skills; meet new people and lots more.   Membership is free and it only takes 5 minutes to apply for Membership. Our next event is on 18th March (online) and we look forward to seeing as many new Members as possible there. We have Members across the UK (even though we are based in Scotland) and include those who are new to the field, trainees, as well as those who have been working in the field of eating disorders/disordered eating for many years. We can all learn from each other.