DID YOU KNOW?........................ Did you know that many different types of body image concerns and problems exists? The main types of body image concern include: * Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) * Muscle Dysmorphia * Skin Disorders/Disfigurement * Eating Disorder-Related (over-evaluation of shape and weight) * Amputee Identity Disorder (AID) * Trichotillomania * Body Modification and Self-Mutilation * Psychogenic Excoriation/CSP/Dermatillomania We often consider body image only in terms of weight, shape and apperance, however, body image is much more than that and it's not just about appearance. When considering body image, especially in psychotherapy and counselling, we must also consider how one experience's their body physically, appearance-wise, spatially, emotionally/psychologicially, socially, and existentially. Body image concerns are often also aligned with eating disorders. However, they are not eating disorders and are more akin to anxiety disorders. Some people
This blog will include news, updates, requests, writing, poems, self-help material, comments, experiences, stories and lots more. Hope you enjoy my 'scribblings' - random bits and pieces of writing that I hope you find interesting to read!