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Showing posts from June, 2019

Reaching out, getting support and talking to someone about what you're feeling or thinking can be tricky sometimes, can't it?

Reaching out, getting support and talking to someone about what you're feeling or thinking can be tricky sometimes, can't it?. There's lots to consider: is this the right person to tell?; is it the right time?; what will I say?; what if I get upset?; what about their response? This can sometimes put us off reaching out and getting support. The little info-graphic below can help take you through this process and move you towards getting the help and support you need and deserv e.  I hope you find the poster above useful. Of course, we have therapists and counsellors her at Talking EDs too who yo can talk to and who are here to listen. All therapists and counsellors and experienced and fully qualified. Just get in touch if you wish to find out how we can help. If you are looking for support, counselling, CBT or therapy for anxiety and depression, contact Glasgow Anxiety and Depre

Make yourself a 'Safe Box' or a 'Comfort Kit'.

Make yourself a 'Safe Box' or a 'Comfort Kit'. This can be very useful during times of distress, overwhelm or when we feel under threat in some way (e.g. anxious, confusing feelings etc.) What you put in your box kit is up to you, however it's purpose is to provide you with a 'go to' a toolbox that you can reply on during times of distress or discomfort.  You can choose from various things from the kit or box that will help you when you are feeling distressed, upset, unhappy, angry, sad or when your eating disorder thoughts, feelings and behaviours are overwhelming or difficult to control. Some of the things the box/kit might include are: relaxation CDs; favourite music that you can dance to/cheers you up; photographs of happy times; blank thought records/diaries that you can fill in and which can help you to get your thoughts and feelings 'out of your head' and onto paper where you can start making more sense of them; breathing exe

The 'Try it Today' Challenge: Mindfulness Exercise

The 'Try it Today' Challenge: Mindfulness Exercise Here's a little meditation/mindfulness exercise that can be really useful in managing or reducing anxiety generally or in the moment. It can also be useful when we are experiencing distress or overwhelming feelings and emotions. Give it a try and see how you get on. Alexandra.... * A 3-Minute Body Scan Meditation to Cultivate Mindfulness * A brief mindfulness meditation practice to relax your body and focus your mind. Begin by bringing your attention into your body. You can close your eyes if that’s comfortable for you. You can notice your body seated wherever you’re seated, feeling the weight of your body on the chair, on the floor. Take a few deep breaths. And as you take a deep breath, bring in more oxygen enlivening the body. And as you exhale, have a sense of relaxing more deeply. You can notice your feet on the floor, notice the sensations of your feet touching the floor. The weight

Focus on .... Purging Disorder

Focus on..... Purging Disorder (PD) Purging Disorder is a fairly newly recognised eating disorder/disordered eating initially coined by Pamela Keel from Florida State University. It is currently still classified under the EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Other Specific) or OSFED (Other Specific Food and Eating Disorder). Despite PD being recognised only relatively recently, prevalence may be as high as anorexia (AN) or bulimia (BN). PD differs from AN in that individual is typically not underweight (although, as we know, not everyone experiencing anorexia is underweight).  PD compares with BN in that the individual does not eat large amounts of food before purging. PD is more common in those identifying as female than as male and those experiencing PD typically fall within normal weight ranges. Purging Disorder is often characterised by the following: * Recurrent and repeated purging (e.g. laxative/diuretic abuse, self-induced vomiting or enem

Do Eating Disorders Affect Many Males?

Do Eating Disorders Affect Many Males? *Males: anyone identifying as male It is difficult to determine how many females actually experience persistent and debilitating eating and food difficulties, or an eating disorder. We will never know the exact extent of this problem for various reasons. However, this partly due to the secretive nature of eating disorders and the high level of denial often involved, especially during the first few stages of the illness. To determine how many males actually experience food and eating difficulties is an even more difficult task. The concept of ‘male eating disorders’ is still somewhat new in many ways and there is a long way to go to increase awareness of male eating disorders, let alone determine how many males actually experience food and eating problems. This, however, influences things further down the line: if we don’t increase awareness of male eating disorders successfully, fewer men will acknowledge they have a proble

COSCA Trainer Conference today in Stirling

I enjoyed the COSCA Trainers Conference today in Stirling. Good to see some friends and colleagues there too for a catch-up in the sun at lunchtime overlooking the beautiful lush greenery surrounding Stirling Castle. Alexandra:-)

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

WE JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW.... * We won't fall asleep on you during appointments; * We won't judge you by how much you eat/don't eat; * We won't weight you/ask your weight and: * We certainly won't tell you to 'just eat' or 'pull your socks up' Unfortunately, some of our clients have had these happen to them with other support/services. Can you believe that?! We;;, w don't do that. We are here to listen and support you. You might be thinking, 'well that's good to hear, but do I REALLY have a problem with food?' We get many emails asking, 'I have a difficult relationship with food at times, but I am not (overweight/underweight/exercising X amount/not being sick more than X times a week/fill in the blank), does that mean I can't seek help or come to therapy or counselling?' As far as we are concerned at Talking EDs, if someone says that they have difficulties with food and