We all need someone to talk to sometimes.... don't we? #MondayMotivation Here's this week's Monday Motivation. Hope you like it! Feel free to share. Talking to others about our problems, concerns, thoughts, feelings or about whatever is going on for us in life can be tricky at times. It can be hard to open up and have time to focus on ourselves. However, your mental and emotional health is sooooooo important and deserves the same care as your physical health. The poster below gives some tips to help you move towards talking to someone about some of the thoughts, feelings, concerns or experiences you may have. ** We All Need Someone to Talk To Sometimes...Don't We? ** Sometimes we all need someone to talk to - about the big and the smaller things in life. Perhaps you need a listening ear and someone to talk to about life's struggles and stresses. Or perhaps you experience low mood, depression, anxiety, problems with food/eating, OCD, body dysmor
This blog will include news, updates, requests, writing, poems, self-help material, comments, experiences, stories and lots more. Hope you enjoy my 'scribblings' - random bits and pieces of writing that I hope you find interesting to read!