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Showing posts from August, 2024

Let's Talk!

LET'S TALK! We all need someone to talk to sometimes.... don't we?   Talking to others about our problems, concerns, thoughts, feelings or about whatever is going on for us in life can be tricky at times. It can be hard to open up and have time to focus on ourselves.   However, your mental and emotional health is sooooooo important and deserves the same care as your physical health.   Sometimes we all need someone to talk to - about the big and the smaller things in life.   Perhaps you need a listening ear and someone to talk to about life's struggles and stresses. Or perhaps you experience low mood, depression, anxiety, problems with food/eating, OCD, body dysmorphic disorder, self-harm etc. and other mental health issues.   Or perhaps you need some support with increasing confidence, self-esteem, relationship issues, assertiveness, stress and more.   Whatever the case may be, our experienced and qualified psychotherapists and counsellors can offer support and a listening

We all need someone to talk to sometimes...don't we?

  We all need someone to talk to sometimes.... don't we?   T alking to others about our problems, concerns, thoughts, feelings or about whatever is going on for us in life can be tricky at times. It can be hard to open up and have time to focus on ourselves.   However, your mental and emotional health is sooooooo important and deserves the same care as your physical health.   Sometimes we all need someone to talk to - about the big and the smaller things in life. Perhaps you need a listening ear and someone to talk to about life's struggles and stresses. Or perhaps you experience low mood, depression, anxiety, problems with food/eating, OCD, body dysmorphic disorder, self-harm etc. and other mental health issues.   Or perhaps you need some support with increasing confidence, self-esteem, relationship issues, assertiveness, stress and more.   Whatever the case may be, our experienced and qualified psychotherapists and counsellors can offer support and a listening ear through psy

Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre

  Looking to chat to others about living with permimenopause and menopause? if so, join our friendly and informal group. We are starting a Menopause Cafe in Glasgow city centre in October 2024 (start date to be confirmed). This will be monthly, on a Thursday evening between 5.30pm and 7pm. The group is FREE to attend. Join others over coffee and cake and talk all things perimenopause and menopause. It can be a tricky time for many and chatting to others (and having a wee laugh now and then too) are sooo important. Let's support each other, make new friends, get things off our chests and chat over a nice hot cuppa. If you're interested in joining our Mailing List for Menopause Cafe Glasgow City Centre, want more information or would like to attend future cafes, get in touch wit

Do you want to develop your assertiveness skills?

  Do any of these apply to you?   * Are you sick of being taken advantage of at work, by family or in relationships? * Always find putting others before yourself?   * Ever feel stressed and exhausted at the end of the week because your are meeting everyone else's need, but no-one meets yours?   *Maybe you can't say 'no' and end up doing things or going places you either don't want to go to or have no time for.   * Perhaps you don't have a lot of confidence or worry that if you don't go along with what others are doing/saying, they will think badly of you or criticise you.   What stops you being more assertive? What stops you having more confidence or feeling more positive about yourself?   Not being assertive can lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, stress, anxiety and difficulties with relationships. We can also often feel drained and taken advantage of when we just go along with others and don't stand up for ourselves or our needs and views.  

Eating Disorders Affect All Genders

Eating Disorders Affect All Genders   We must remember that those identifying with male and with non-female gender identities also experience eating disorders and disordered eating.   MALE EATING DISORDERS   Men and boys and anyone identifying with other genders experience eating disorders and disordered eating too.   We really need to stop leaving out non-females and other genders from the conversation. Why? Because to do so means we are discriminating against others, developing 'female-friendly' services only and perpetuating a very biased and unrepresentative picture of eating disorders. This means lots of people don't have their voice heard and don't receive support and understanding.   Our motto, since we started in 2009, has always been, 'your voice counts', and it truly does, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, culture, background etc.   Here at Talking EDs, we see males and those identifying with other genders, of all ages and backgrounds, who ex

1/2 Price Clinical Supervision (oh, and some discounted therapy room hire too!)

  1/2 PRICE CLINICAL SUPERVISION DID YOU KNOW?   We also offer Clinical Supervision (to room users and non-room users).    We offer discounted individual clinical supervision to those using our r0oms (to those who want it). We also offer clinical supervision to anyone else looking for supervision.   Our supervisor is an experienced, accredited integrative cognitive behavioural psychotherapist with a foundation year in the person centred approach, with a background in psychology. They supervise a range of trainee, qualified and accredited therapists from a range of modalities. They also supervise non-therapists such as dietitians and mental health nurses.    Appointments can be in person at our offices in Glasgow city centre or online (UK-wide). Outdoor Supervision is also available near where they live in Argyll and Bute (Cardross/Rhu/Helensburgh areas). They also offer a 1/2 price first appointment for those looking for a new or additional supervisor so you can determine if they are t

Monday Motivation

#MondayMotivation   This week's Monday Motivation is below. Hope you like it. If you need to get in touch with us for support or need someone to talk to, please see our websites and email addresses below. Take care and we hope your week goes your way.   All the best,   Talking EDs: Eating Disorder Support Service Scotland Glasgow Anxiety and Depression Counselling Service (GADS) Scotland Anxiety and Depression Counselling Service (SADS) Glasgow Therapy Rooms W:          E:   W:    E:   W:            E:

Health Anxiety.... What is it?

Health Anxiety.... What is it?   Health anxiety (sometimes called hypochondria) is when you spend so much time worrying you're ill, or about getting ill, that it starts to take over your life. Some people might call you a hypnochondriac or that you are fussing over nothing. However, Health Anxiety is much more serious than that and it really affects someone's mental and physical health, as well as their social activities and work or education. It can be really debilitating and it's important to get support sooner, rather than later.   Here's some of the signs and symptoms of Health Anxiety.   Remember, everyone is different and we all experience anxiety and life differently. What's important to know is that, if it's affecting your life is an unhelpful or distressing way, get some support and start taking control of some of your anxiety symptoms.   You may have Health Anxiety if you:   * Have an obsessional preoccupation with the idea that they are currently (or

Focus on.... EDNOS/OSFED

Focus on.... EDNOS/OSFED   Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (or EDNOS) is now increasingly known as OSFED (Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder) accounts for the highest percentage of eating disorders. EDNOS/OSFED is just as serious and debilitating as any other form of eating disorder and needs to be taken more seriously.   Unfortunately, however, in our experience, this is often not the case and many are not given appropriate treatment or support (whether from family, friends, professionals and others) and the condition can deteriorate and even change into another form of eating disorder.   WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT EDNOS/OSFED? Then read on.....   EDNOS/OSFED is the most commonly diagnosed eating disorder in clinical settings. It has often been described as ‘partial syndrome’; however, in our opinion, referring to an eating disorder as 'partial' presents several problems, namely that the client or patient is denied support.   EDNOS/OSFED describes a form eating d