HEY, GUYS! YOUR VOICE COUNTS TOO!: Male Mental Health Men have mental health too! We often forget about this and many men experience unhelpful and exasperating comments such as 'Boys don't cry', 'Man up', Come on, be the big man' and 'why would you feel like that...don't be a girl!' Argggh! Why is is OK for females to talk about how they feel, but not men? Well, actually IT IS OK for boys and men to talk about how they feel. Actually, it's not just OK, we want to hear what things are like for you. You ARE IMPORTANT and what you are experiencing IS IMPORTANT! Talking and sharing your thoughts and feelings can not only help you, it can help other guys start taking and having conversations too. The more guys that open up about their own mental health, the more we all understand too. Guys, whether you are feeling sad, anxious, scared, fearful, worried, stressed, having relationship problems, experiencing grief or
This blog will include news, updates, requests, writing, poems, self-help material, comments, experiences, stories and lots more. Hope you enjoy my 'scribblings' - random bits and pieces of writing that I hope you find interesting to read!