#FridayFacts It's been a busy day so far and this week's 'facts' are a bit later than usual. That's life though. This week's facts look at 'The Emotional Cup'. It's really important that we do what we can as parents, teachers, aunties and uncles, grandparents, friends, healthcare staff and as any other significant person in a child's life, to help ensure their 'Emotional Cup' is filled, as much as it possible. Why? Because being soothed appropritely, being taken seriously, having feelings and experiences validated, being made to fee worthy and important and knowing that someone cares for them and they feel protected helps a child build their self-esteem and self-compassion, helps grow their identity, values and self-worth, helps them to manage and regulate feelings and emotions more appropriately and ensures they are more resilient and able to deal with stress, loss, conflict, distress and much more in the future, as ad
This blog will include news, updates, requests, writing, poems, self-help material, comments, experiences, stories and lots more. Hope you enjoy my 'scribblings' - random bits and pieces of writing that I hope you find interesting to read!