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Showing posts from January, 2020

#FridayFacts: The Emotional Cup

#FridayFacts It's been a busy day so far and this week's 'facts' are a bit later than usual. That's life though. This week's facts look at 'The Emotional Cup'. It's really important that we do what we can as parents, teachers, aunties and uncles, grandparents, friends, healthcare staff and as any other significant person in a child's life, to help ensure their 'Emotional Cup' is filled, as much as it possible. Why? Because being soothed appropritely, being taken seriously, having feelings and experiences validated, being made to fee worthy and important and knowing that someone cares for them and they feel protected helps a child build their self-esteem and self-compassion, helps grow their identity, values and self-worth, helps them to manage and regulate feelings and emotions more appropriately and ensures they are more resilient and able to deal with stress, loss, conflict, distress and much more in the future, as ad

#MondayMotivation: It's Never Too Late to Start Over Again

#MondayMotivation   This week's #MondayMotivation is a poem by F.Scott Fitzgerald (one of my favourite authors). For what it's worth it's never too late to start over again, no matter what age you are. Many of our clients have 'started again' in their 40s, 50s and 60s and while change was a bit scary and daunting for them, undoubtedly, their lives improved. Hope you like the poem below. Have a good day, Alexandra      

#MondayMotivation: Body Image

#MondayMotivation Every Monday, we post some 'motivation': this could be a quote, picture, activity, story, articles etc. This week's 'motivation' involves body image (see picture below). If you need some support with negative body image, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or any other distress or difficulties with how you feel about yourself, your self-esteem and maybe identity, please feel free to get in touch with us to find out how we can support you through therapy, counselling and CBT. Best wishes , Alexandra    

Friday Facts: Stress

#FridayFacts Every Friday we'll post some 'facts' and information about mental health and wellbeing. The topic and focus of 'facts' will vary from week-to-week. This week's 'facts' focus on the effects of stress on the body. See poster below. If stress is disrupting your life, causing you distress, getting in the way of other things in life or causing you problems, why not get in touch with us to find out how we can help with this. Stress can affect our eating, drinking habits, exercise, sleep, work/life balance, relationships, sex drive, thoughts and feelings, ability to cope, motivation and a whole host of other things. However, it doesn't have to be like that. Our therapists and counsellors can help you get back on track. Our practitioners are all friendly, understandng, supportive and very experienced and qualified. They are there to listen and support you, at your pace. Feel free to get in touch with us:

#FridayFacts: Grounding Techniques

# FridayFacts: Grounding Techniques Good morning everyone. This week's #FridayFacts focus on 'Grounding Techniques'. Grounding techniques are a set of tools used to assist you to stay in the present moment during episodes of intense anxiety or other over-whelming emotions.   Staying in the present moment allows people to feel safe and in-control by focusing on the physical world and how they experience it. Grounding is easy to do. Just focus on some aspect of the physical world, rather than on your internal thoughts and feelings (see some suggestions in the info-graphic below). Focus on the present rather than the past. Practice your grounding techniques so that they will come naturally when you are upset or anxious. Try a variety of techniques and rate the effectiveness of each technique in keeping you calm. Have others assist you in using these techniques by reminding you to practice them and use them as soon as you are feeling emotionally.

Vacancy: Psychotherapist/Counsellor/CBT Therapist - Eating Disorders (based in Glasgow city centre)

Our practice, Talking EDs (Glasgow and West Eating Disorders Support Service) has another vacancy available for an Affiliate Psychotherapist/Counsellor: Eating Disorders. If you are interested, please see the Indeed advert here: