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Excessive or compulsive exercising is an often overlooked component of eating disorders/disordered eating. That said, I have met people who experience obsessive or compulsive exercising but who don't experience an eating disorder/disordered eating.

Whatever the case might be, while we are frequently told how good exercise is for our health and wellbeing, like many other things, 'too much' exercise or exercising in an obsessive or compulsive way can be unhealthy and even cause physical and mental health problems in the long term.

Whether  you wish to call it overexercising, obsessive exercise or compulsive exercise, many people do struggle with symptoms associated with this.

If you are concerned about your or a loved one's relationship with exercise, please speak with a professional. One of our therapists has a special interest in overexercise/compulsive/obsessive exercise and has worked with many clients/patients in various settings experiencing a difficult or unhealthy relationship with exercise. He is currently available to offer appointments in the evenings at our offices in Glasgow city centre. Feel free to get in touch for more information about support, therapy, CBT or counselling, if you wish to book an appointment or you have any questions.

The mini-poster below provides some of the signs and symptoms of overexercising/obsessive exercise/compulsive exercise. There are many more. Remember, we are all different and may have different experiences with over-exercise. However, if exercise has become a problem for you, please reach out. We are here to listen and support you.

Best wishes, Alexandra :-)

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