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Vacancy: Affiliate Therapist: Eating Disorders (Adults and Young People): Glasgow city centre (and online)

Vacancy: Affiliate Therapist: Eating Disorders (Adults and Young People): Glasgow city centre
(one morning/afternoon per week plus possible additional referrals)


* Would you like the opportunity to work with adult and young people  experiencing eating disorders/disordered eating in private practice? 

* Would you like us to refer clients onto you while we take care of room hire fees, referral fees and advertising/marketing, admin, referrals, setting up initial appointments and still earn £30-£40 (£40 for after 5pm/weekend, £30 for daytime) per appointment? 

* Would you like to receive other benefits, such as discounted supervision, access to room hire discounts (when you hire the room for your own clients), discounted access to therapist peer support groups , free coffee and chat clubs for affiliates and more? 

* Would you like add a few clients to your own private practice and see the clients we refer on around your other commitments (i.e. you choose when you see clients)?

* Would you like to receive possible additional referrals from our other two practices (non-eating disorders) too?


If this sounds like you, this self-employed Affiliate Therapist: Eating Disorders role may suit you. You will see clients at our offices in West Regent Street, Glasgow city centre and it will of interest to those who have experience of working with clients experience eating disorders/disordered eating.    

This is a sessional role and you will receive clients as, and we, we can refer them/have a waiting list. So please note that referrals are not guaranteed and you are joining on a sessional basis.   

We have a team of 6 psychotherapists and looking for someone else to join the team to help with clients who are looking for day-time appointments. Evening and weekend appointments can be offered too (these are classed as out-of-hours, and your rate will be higher than daytime work). 

We have been busy with enquiries recently and are looking to recruit someone soon to help with this. Here are some of the requirements we are looking for: 

* You must be a qualified therapist/counsellor/psychotherapist (preferably integrative CBT or integrative other approach - other modalities considered. If you have some training in DBT, that would be an advantage too) and been qualified for at least 4-5 years; 

* You must have experience of working with at least 2 different forms of eating disorder/disordered eating (e.g. BED, AN, BN, compulsive overeating, emotional eating, purging disorder, restrictive eating, orthorexia, NES etc.); 

 * We are a specialist service, so you mush have significant experience working with individuals experiencing difficult relationships with food/eating disorders; 

 * It is preferable that affiliates have worked with over 30 different clients experiencing eating disorders or problems with food and eating and this must be evidenced/demonstrated. Our clients are looking for therapists who have lots of experience working with eating disorders/disordered eating.         

* Some additional experience in the fields of eating disorders is desirable (but not essential (e.g. group-work, training, campaigning, support work, research etc.);

* You must be willing to work face-to-face and online (Zoom).

 * You must have current professional indemnity insurance, PVG/Disclosure, be a member of a counselling/health/psychotherapy/psychology professional body and hold a current ICO Data Protection certificate. 

 * Just as you are responsible for supervision with your own private practice clients, you will also be responsible for your own supervision here, although we can provide access to discounted supervision and free therapist peer support groups (3-4 per year). 

* As an Affiliate, you will receive free annual membership to The CBT'ers Club (a support, networking, social, CPD and professional membership for therapists, psychologists, counsellors, mental health practitioners etc. with some interest in CBT or who just want to network with other therapists) and Glasgow and West Eating Disorders Networking Group.Youwill also have access to discounted clinical supervision (should you wish to work with our supervisor) and access to 3-4 free support and supervision groups for affiliates.

* You must be registered as self-employed with HMRC (or be willing to register for this). 

* You will also have the opportunity to receive referrals from our other practices, Citizen17 Therapy, CBT and Counselling Services and Glasgow Anxiety and Depression Support Service (non-eating disorder clients e.g. depression, anxiety, sexuality, relationships, trauma, etc.) 


 * You will see clients when you have availability. Once we have completed all the admin for referral, you schedule your own bookings with clients, take your own payment, manage your own diary etc. You will, however, use our working agreement, paperwork, booking and other procedures. 

Interested? Contact for a Role Description and Application Form or if you have any questions or need any further information information. 

Please only apply if you match the criteria above. Please feel free to share this vacancy with anyone you think might be interested in applying.   

Interviews will take place in Glasgow city centre as soon as possible after this closing date (daytime Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday morning) as we are looking for sometime to start asap.   

We look forward to hearing from you.   

Best wishes,    


Clinical Director and Lead Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist (accredited), Clinical Supervisor, Certificate (Accredited) and Diploma Trainer, Psychology Researcher and Group Facilitator

Talking EDs (Glasgow & West Eating Disorder Support Service)


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