Sound familier? Maybe this is you right now, it it has been in the past and you're starting to notice the signs of this in yourself again.
Stress, overwhelm and burnout affect us in so many different ways: they affect how our brain works; they affect us physically; they affect our feelings and emotions and how we deal with them; they affect us at work and socially; and stress, overwhelm and burnout also affect our relationships and quality of life.
That's a lot of things that stress, overwhelm and burnout can affect, isn't it?
Yet, many of us go along, just putting up with it until we arrive at some sort of breaking point and start feeling panic, anxious, out-of-control, exhausted and maybe even lost.
It doesn't have to be like that though.
There are lots of things you can do, with support, to help both prevent, and manage, stress, overwhelm and burnout. Some involve simple strategies that help keep us on an even keel. For others, a deeper understanding of their concerns are problems are needed.
Whatever the case might be, our psychotherapists and counsellors are here to help you with stress, overwhelm and burnout (and a whole host of other things too). We even have a dietitian who can help get your nutritional health and energy sorted too.
Therapy, counselling and dietetics are provided by fully qualified and insured skilled and experienced therapists who are supportive, encouraging, warm and who aim to tailor therapy to you and your preferences at this time.
Appointments go at your pace and there is no expectation to attend for a certain number of sessions. You are in the driving seat and your therapist will regularly review how things are going to ensure sessions are as beneficial to you as possible.
If you would like support with stress, overwhelm and burnout, or with anything else, feel free to get in touch and find out how we can support you.
We can provide in-person appointments at our offices in Glasgow city centre and online appointments anywhere in the UK.
Our contact details are below. The infographic below also illustrates how stress and burnout can affect us. You may recognise some of this in yourself too. We hope you find the infographic useful in helping you to become aware of your own thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Get in touch to find out how we can support you. We are here to listen and support.
Best wishes,
Glasgow Anxiety and Depression Counselling Service (GADS) and
Scotland Anxiety and Depression Counselling Service (SADS)
W: www.glasgowanxietydepression.co.uk
E: support@glasgowanxietydepression.co.uk
Focus on.... EDNOS/OSFED Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (or EDNOS) is now increasingly known as OSFED (Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder) accounts for the highest percentage of eating disorders. EDNOS/OSFED is just as serious and debilitating as any other form of eating disorder and needs to be taken more seriously. Unfortunately, however, in our experience, this is often not the case and many are not given appropriate treatment or support (whether from family, friends, professionals and others) and the condition can deteriorte and even change into another form of eating disorder. WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT EDNOS/OSFED? Then read on..... EDNOS/OSFED is the most commonly diagnosed eating disorder in clinical settings. It has often been described as ‘partial syndrome’; however, in our opinion, referring to an eating disorder as 'partial' presents several problems, namely that the client or patient is denied support. EDNOS/OSFED describes a form eating d...
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